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Business gifts

The rules for deciding whether a gift given in the course of business is deductible are complex. The rules for business gifts generally follow those for business entertaining expenditure. This means

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A reminder of trivial benefit rules

We wanted to remind readers of the trivial benefits in kind (BiK) rules. The BiK exemption applies to small non-cash benefits like a bottle of wine, a bouquet of flowers given occasionally to

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VAT business test

There are a number of conditions that must be satisfied in order for an activity to be within the scope of UK VAT. One of the conditions that needs to be carefully considered when deciding whether an

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Tax treatment of incentive scheme awards

Some companies use incentive award schemes to encourage their employees in various ways. For example, to sell more of their own goods and services. The award can include cash-based, vouchers or other

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Vehicles eligible for a plug-in grant

The low-emission vehicles plug-in grant can help you save up to £2,500 on the purchase price of new low-emission vehicles. The scheme was first launched in 2011 and is available across the UK with

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Vehicles exempt from Vehicle Excise Duty

Vehicle Excise Duty (VED), also commonly referred to as vehicle tax, is an annual tax levied on owners of most cars, vans, motorcycles, and holders of motorcycle trade licences.

There are certain VED

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Switching between film and TV reliefs

Film tax relief (FTR) can increase the amount of expenditure that is allowable as a deduction for tax purposes or, if a company makes a loss, can be surrendered for a payable tax credit. To qualify

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Discovery assessment changes

HMRC has taken action to ensure that discovery assessments relating to certain aspects of the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC), Gift Aid Donations and different pension charges act as

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