Accounting services in Abingdon, Oxford and across all UK

Keeping pay and tax records

Following the 31 January 2021 deadline for submission of Self-Assessment tax returns for 2019-20, it can be a useful exercise to review the rules for keeping your pay and tax records. There are no set

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Accounts and tax for companies

If you have recently setup a new limited company or are thinking of doing so then one of the areas that you need to be aware is the accounts and tax filing regime for companies.

After the end of its

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New funding boost for young people

The government has announced a new £1,000 cash bonus to encourage employers to take on new trainees. The traineeship scheme supports young people to gain the skills and experience they need from the

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Drifting into the HICBC

The High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) could apply to your clients if their income exceeds £50,000 for the first time this year and they are in receipt of child benefit. The charge effectively

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Claiming the NIC Employment Allowance

The Employment Allowance allows eligible employers to reduce their National Insurance liability. The allowance increased to £4,000 (was £3,000) from 6 April 2020. An employer can claim less than the

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Flat Rate Scheme annual review

Using the VAT Flat Rate scheme, businesses pay VAT as a fixed percentage of their VAT inclusive turnover. The actual percentage used depends on the type of business. The scheme has been designed to

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