Tax by stealth

There is a plausible link between a rise in tax payments if tax rates increase or if tax allowances and reliefs fall. But what happens if there is no change in tax rates or allowances?

In this case,

Rent-a-room relief

The rent-a-room scheme is a set of special rules designed to help homeowners who rent-a-room in their home. If you are using this scheme, you should ensure that rents received from lodgers during the

Tax-free savings interest

The Personal Savings Allowance (PSA) was launched in April 2016. For basic-rate taxpayers the first £1,000 of interest on savings income is tax-free. For higher-rate taxpayers the tax-free personal

Tax-free allowance on trading and property income

A reminder that there are two separate annual £1,000 tax allowances for property and trading income. If you have both types of income highlighted below, then you can claim a £1,000 allowance for

Losing your personal income tax allowance

If you earn over £100,000 in any tax year your personal allowance is gradually reduced by £1 for every £2 of adjusted net income over £100,000 irrespective of age. This means that any taxable receipt

Students and tax

Students that work may need to pay Income Tax and National Insurance. Employers are required to calculate the amount of tax they need to pay on the basis that the students would be working for the

Claim tax relief for charitable donations

The Gift Aid scheme is available to all UK taxpayers. The charity or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) concerned can take a taxpayer’s donation and, provided all the qualifying conditions are met,

Do you need to file a tax return

There are a number of reasons why you might need to complete a Self-Assessment return. This includes if you are self-employed, a company director, have an annual income over £100,000 and / or have

Still time to claim Marriage Allowance

HMRC is reminding married couples and those in civil partnerships that there is still time to sign up for marriage allowance before the end of the current tax year (5 April 2023) if they are eligible