Do tax-payers need to register for Self-Assessment

There are a number of reasons why a taxpayer needs to complete a Self-Assessment return. This includes if they are self-employed, a company director, have an annual income over £100,000 and / or have

Back to school – help with childcare costs

As children have returned to school, HMRC is reminding parents that they may be eligible for Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) to help pay for breakfast and after school clubs.

The TFC scheme can help parents

Using your Personal tax accounts

HMRC’s Personal tax accounts (PTAs) were launched in 2015. The service works as an online resource to allow taxpayers to review and update their details in real time. For many routine requests and

Claiming a tax refund

If you think that you have paid too much tax to HMRC you can usually claim back any overpaid tax. The exact method for making a claim depends on a number of factors including whether or not you

Tax relief on charitable donations

If you are a higher rate or additional rate taxpayer, you are eligible to claim relief on the difference between the basic rate and your highest rate of tax. The charity you donate to can reclaim the

1.8m couples benefit from extra tax relief

HMRC has confirmed that almost 1.8m couples across the UK have benefitted from the marriage allowance and are saving up to £252 a year. The marriage allowance is available to qualifying married

Rent-a-room: letting as office accommodation

The rent-a-room scheme is a set of special rules designed to help homeowners who rent-a-room in their home. The current tax-free threshold of £7,500 per year has been in place since 6 April 2016.

Reporting foreign income for UK tax purposes

Income Tax is generally payable on taxable income received by individuals including earnings from employment, earnings from self-employment, pensions income, interest on most savings, dividend income,

Childcare top-up to cover summer activities

As the school holidays fast approach, many parents face having to organise extra school holiday childcare over the summer months.

HMRC is reminding working families that the Tax-Free Childcare (TFC)