Tax-free mileage expenses

If you use your own vehicle for business journeys, then you may be able to claim a tax-free allowance from your employer known as a Mileage Allowance Payment or MAP. The allowance is available if

Off-payroll working rules from 6 April 2021

The rules for individuals providing services to the public sector via an intermediary such as a personal service company (PSC) changed from April 2017. The new rules shifted the responsibility for

Tax codes for employees

The P9X form is used to notify employers which tax codes to use for employees. The latest version of the form has just been published and shows the tax codes to use from 6 April 2021. The forms states

Employing domestic staff

When you employ someone to work in your home it is your responsibility to meet the employee’s rights and deduct the correct amount of tax from their salary. This can include employees such as a nanny,

New advisory fuel rates published

Advisory fuel rates are intended to reflect actual average fuel costs and are updated quarterly. The rates can be used by employers who reimburse employees for business travel in their company cars or

Confirmation of Minimum Wage increases 2021

The Chancellor used the recent Spending Review to confirm that increased National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage rates will come into effect on 1 April 2021.

From 1 April 2021, the National

Working from home tax claim

If you do not receive compensation from your employer you can still claim tax relief for some expenses that result from home working. HMRC will usually allow you to claim tax relief if you use your