Using Pension Funds in your Business

Know more about how your pension savings can help finance your business. Also get detailed description of Pension-led funding: benefits and risks.

Income Tax Rates 2018/19

In the Autumn Budget, the Chancellor has announced the income tax rates for the year 2018/19 tax year. New tax year starts in April. New personal allowances and dividend rates are changing. its hard time for contractors as the tax-free dividend will be reduced from £5000 to £2000 which means extra tax to pay. Nothing’s […]

Budget 2017 Key points at a glance

Autumn Budget: What you need to Know Philip Hammond has delivered his second budget as chancellor. Here are the key points of his speech. Despite much speculation to the contrary, there will be no change to IR35 in the private sector. VAT Threshold Despite rumours of a reduction in the VAT registration threshold, the Chancellor announced […]

Why HGV Drivers require Oxon Accountancy Services

  Why you need an accountant for your HGV DRIVERS Ltd Companies. Oxon Accountancy Drivers Accounting Champion. If you’re running a vehicle company, understanding the ins and outs of your business tax affairs is probably the last thing in your mind. When you’re doing a business, every single penny counts from the money coming in, […]

Budget – 2017 another blow to Self-employed

  In this picture Philip Hammond is laughing and looking like he is throwing cash but in my prospective view actually he has collected or grabbed hard earned money of Self-employed people today when he has announced  in spring Budget-2017 that the main rate of National Insurance contributions for the self-employed to increase from 9% to […]

Making Tax Digital ! Self-employed and Landlords.

Making Tax Digital for Personal tax Govt has a plan for making tax digital or in other words its quick reporting to HMRC by using various available softwares. The Association of Taxation Technicians (ATT) has said that the MTD project represents “the biggest change to the way taxpayers will engage with HMRC since the introduction […]