Private rental deposits

There are special rules under the Tenancy Deposit Scheme that limits the amount of deposit that landlords in England can request. There are also further limitations on what landlords and agents can

How to check a UK VAT number

The online service for checking a UK VAT number is available at:

This service can be used to check:

if a UK VAT registration number is valid; and
the name and

Check employment status for tax

The Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) tool can be used to help ascertain if a worker should be classified as employed or self-employed for tax purposes in both the private and public

Finding your National Insurance number

If you have lost or forgotten your National Insurance number there are a number of ways to locate it. Firstly, you could try and locate the number on paperwork such as your tax return, payslip or P60.

Check your State Pension forecast

The enhanced Check Your State Pension forecast service is now available online. The service can be found on GOV.UK at the following webpage

The new digital

Are you claiming the marriage allowance

The marriage allowance can be claimed by married couples and those in a civil partnership and where a spouse or civil partner does not pay tax or does not pay tax above the basic rate threshold for

What is a group company structure?

A group is formed when one company has control of, owns, a number of subsidiary companies.

A group is different to an arrangement where an individual owns a number of companies personally. In this

Is your income over £100,000?

If you earn over £100,000 in any tax year your personal allowance is gradually reduced by £1 for every £2 of adjusted net income over £100,000 irrespective of age. This means that any taxable receipt

Connected persons for tax purposes

The definition of a connected person for tax purposes varies.

A statutory definition of “connected persons” for Capital Gains Tax purposes is set out in Section 286 of the Taxation of

Tax and employee share schemes

There are a number of government approved share schemes which offer various incentives to employees. The rules of the schemes vary but they are all designed to help incentivise employees by giving