Can a charity claim Gift Aid?

Charities can claim Gift Aid on donations made by eligible taxpayers. This can boost donations by an extra 25% if the donor makes a Gift Aid Declaration (GAD).

To claim Gift Aid, charities need to

Selling all or part of your company

If you are selling your company, there are important actions you must take to properly finalise your affairs. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and it is important to check what else

Selling your home – taxes to pay

In general, there is no Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on a property which has been used as a main family residence. An investment property which has never been used will not qualify. This relief from CGT is

New employment rights for parents and carers

Three new pieces of legislation that received cross party support were granted Royal Assent on 24 May 2023.

The Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023: This new Act will allow for up to 12 weeks

Help to Save extended to April 2025

HMRC has confirmed that plans to extend the Help to Save scheme by 18 months, until April 2025 have been confirmed.

The Help to Save scheme is intended to help those on low incomes to boost their

HMRC strike causes CIS delays

Some 400 HMRC helpline service advisers who are members of the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) Union have been on strike intermittingly since 10 May 2023. These strikes are by staff working in