IHT business asset relief

There are a number of reliefs available that can reduce liability to IHT if you inherit the estate of someone who had died. One of these reliefs is known as Business Relief and is a valuable tax

Exchange of joint interests

HMRC’s internal manuals consider the reliefs available where there is an exchange of joint interests in land.

The manuals state that:

The exchange of interests in land which are jointly owned by two

Writing off a director’s loan

An overdrawn director’s loan account is created when a director (or other close family member) ‘borrows’ money from their company. Many companies, particularly ‘close’ private companies, pay for

Tax benefits of switching to electric cars

There are many benefits to encourage the use of electric cars including lower running costs, the environmental advantages and reduced noise pollution. There are also tax benefits to encourage the

Builders – when you may not have to charge VAT

VAT for most work on houses and flats by builders and similar trades, like plumbers, plasterers and carpenters, is charged at the standard rate of 20%. However, there are a number of exceptions where

Mortgage interest on rented property

Under new rules that came into effect from April 2017 the tax relief on mortgage costs for residential landlords was restricted to the basic rate of tax. The finance costs restriction was phased in