Expenditure disallowed

When deciding whether an expense is allowed or disallowed for tax purposes it is important to bear in mind that the expenditure must be incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of your trade
Tax-free mileage expenses

If you use your own vehicle for business journeys, then you may be able to claim a tax-free allowance from your employer known as a Mileage Allowance Payment or MAP. The allowance is available if
Tax-free property and trading income

Two separate £1,000 tax allowances for property and trading income were introduced in April 2017. If you have both or either type of income highlighted below then you can claim a £1,000 allowance for
Rent-a-room relief

The rent-a-room scheme is a set of special rules designed to help homeowners who rent-a-room in their home. The current tax-free threshold of £7,500 per year has been in place since 6 April 2016. If
COVID – beating the bug

Although it cannot be understated, that COVID has resulted in widespread personal tragedies and business hardships, there are stories circulating of businesses that have managed to buck the downward
Passports – expensive items

Many families will be organising UK holidays this year and so passports may be left in draws for 2021.
But when the market for overseas holidays opens up, better check that your passports still meet
Reminder, what are badges of trade

The ‘badges of trade’ tests whilst not conclusive are used by HMRC to help determine whether an activity is a proper economic trade / business activity or merely a money-making by-product of a
Off-payroll working rules from 6 April 2021

The rules for individuals providing services to the public sector via an intermediary such as a personal service company (PSC) changed from April 2017. The new rules shifted the responsibility for
VAT deferral scheme open for business

Businesses that took the option to defer the payment of their VAT liabilities between 20 March 2020 and 30 June 2020 need to decide what course of action they will take.
There are two options
Reminder of year end payroll chores

It is not long until the current 2020-21 tax year comes to an end and there are a number of year end payroll chores that must be completed. This includes sending a final PAYE submission for the tax